Minister of Information Concludes Two-Day Training on Strategic Communication to counter disinformation and misinformation

Mogadishu, June 12, 2024: The Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr. Da’ud Aweis Jama, successfully concluded a two-day training session focused on strategic Communication to prevent the dissemination of misinformation/disinformation.

20 journalists and officials representing both public and private media organizations benefited from this training, which was jointly organized by the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism of Somalia and the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Mogadishu.

The workshop aimed to equip reporters and media executives with the necessary skills to identify and counteract fake news, as well as guide the community towards reliable and accurate information sources.

Expressing his gratitude, Minister Da’ud Aweis Jama extended his appreciation to the Turkish Government for their invaluable support in facilitating this significant training program.

“We are actively engaged in a robust campaign focused on community orientation and combating the spread of fake news. Just a week ago, we organized a significant conference addressing the detrimental effects of misinformation and its role in fueling conflicts. This training program emerged from a productive meeting held here with the Turkish Ambassador, and it served to further enhance our media strategy in countering the deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Turkish Embassy for their unwavering support to the government of Somalia and its people,” stated Minister Da’ud Aweys

The minister urged all participants to implement most of the knowledge gained during the training and encouraged them to share it with their colleagues in the workplace.

During the closing ceremony, Ambassador Alper Aktaş, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Somalia, emphasized that the objective of the workshop, supported by the embassy, was to enhance cooperation between the two nations. He stressed the crucial role of journalists and the media in contributing to the development and rebuilding of Somalia.

The Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism of the Republic of Somalia is dedicated to raising public awareness against the spread of fake news and the incitement of civil conflicts, which pose a threat to the peace and stability of the country.

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